Trainer, Facilitator, Presenter: What is the difference?
Trainer: Term used to describe a learner-centered conductor of a course or program. Facilitator: A trainer who functions in a way to allow participants to assume responsibility for their own learning. The term is in contrast to the more didactic instructor, teacher, lecturer, presenter, and so on. Presenter: Title given adults who deliver speeches at conferences or to larger groups; minimal emphasis on two-way communication.
You just read the differences between the three titles, but the truth is that they are more often then not, overlapping each other. Let's look at some of the techniques that web these titles into one cloth. What do you think?
Ask questions during the presentation.
Answer questions throughout the presentation.
Call on individuals for ideas or predictions of what occurs next.
Conduct round robins to get opinions, ideas, concerns, or questions.
Form small groups to discuss the information presented.
Pause and check for understanding from everyone by creating a conversation.
Use humor in the words you use, the examples, or the visuals.
Involve participants in deciding what they need to learn.
Pull ideas together from different participants.
Compare or contrast participants’ ideas.
Use a parking lot for questions yet to be addressed.
Form buzz groups (two or three people who “buzz” for two minutes in response to a question) to identify one concern.
Stop mid-lecture to ask whether everyone is with you.
Reinforce those who ask questions or provide answers.
Integrate quizzes (bingo, crossword puzzles, word completion) within the context of the presentation.
Create a conversation between trainer and participants.
Intersperse tasks or demonstrations throughout the presentation.
Develop a handout to follow the presentation with key words from the presentation; allowing the room to take notes.
Design visuals to support the lecture so that participants can follow your words visually.